Private Scuba Lessons Diving the Coasts of Miami, Ft. Lauderdale and the Palm Beaches of Florida
I specialize in showing and instructing first time Snorkelers and Scuba Divers the wonders and joys of the ocean and marine life, even if they have poor swimming skills, near drowning incidents or an unqualified instructor in the past, in as little as 90 minutes.
Whether I’m working with busy professionals, corporate CEO’s and time sensitive vacationers, I coach them all successfully and effectively, without the cookie cut model of all dive shops. My proprietary techniques have been recognized by the Miami Herald, Sun Sentinel, TripAdvisor and Travel Zoo. My proprietary Snorkeling Video on Youtube has over 77,000 views and counting.
In my tenure as a Professional Scuba Diving Instructor since 2002, I have successfully certified and toured with over 1500 individuals successfully and safely. Scuba diving may seem dangerous to many but with proper education you will find that it is a life changing experience for the better. (statistically safer than driving your car)
My personal guarantee is your happiness and joy underwater or I will return your money.

I was born in Miami Beach and for most of my childhood and adult life I have worked, played and scuba dived in my hometown of Miami. Raised by the ocean my entire life I learned to swim at age 3 and scuba at age 9. I joined the swim team at age 12 and was water polo player at 14. Treading water when people tried to drown me in water polo only served to help me solve anyone’s swimming issues. I guarantee it.
When I learned to dive at the age of 9 years old, it only took one dive with scuba to be hooked for life, pardon the pun. This passion for the Ocean led me to become a Scuba and Snorkeling Instructor because sharing the feeling of scuba diving with others in a safe and memorable way is an activity that has no equal. Some of my best memories in life are under the ocean with clients, friends and family.